In 2013, Flying over time was first and foremost an immersive and multi-media traveling exhibition. The theatrical one act, one person play, “The Man behind the Spirit”, written by Nova Hall was premiered at Arizona State University West and directed by Tiffany Kell, co-founder of FOT. In the huge La Sala ballroom with over 20 original paintings the audience and attendees were transported back into 1927 with radio clips and a special soundtrack (all inspired by master painter/mentor Professor Leandro Soto). The exhibition included original ultra-rare photograph prints by Nova’s grandfather, Donald A Hall, Sr. whom was the only Chief engineer and designer of the famous aircraft in 1927, which currently hangs in the Smithsonian Institution’s Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC.


The aircraft changed public opinion forever and brought the world its first international celebrity, an young and unprepared Charles A. Lindbergh.


Nova Hall continues to paint about aviation, his Jewish heritage and speaks about the historic trans-Atlantic flight which was the first solo flight across a treacherous ocean flight. The aircraft was build in 60 days, allowing Lindbergh to come from last place and with a $25000 purse. However, Donald A. Hall was nearly written out of the history in San Diego. He also has yet to be honored in the National Aviation Hall of Fame, in Washington, in Brooklyn where he was born, AND in the city where he rests with his wife, the city of wings, San Diego, CA.

Contact Nova Hall for inquiries about his Keynote speeches on history, risk and teamwork, or to simply share your own stories to be included in a future Flying Over Time museum: